Calldera Is Revolutionizing Wine Marketing with Digital Technology

With an ability to leverage new technology and best practices from media and e-commerce, the wine industry is poised for a revolutionary change in marketing strategy.

Why do I need a new wine marketing strategy?

You need a new wine marketing strategy that leverages digital technology because...

  • Many consumers prefer online interaction over an in-store experience
  • Personalization technology is an extremely effective means of reaching diverse target audiences
  • Consumers rely on recommendations from objective, trusted sources when making purchase decisions
  • There are many technology savvy consumers who routinely use technology to guide and facilitate purchases
  • Traditional approaches to wine marketing are hampered by product complexity, state laws and cost


Embrace the Future With Calldera

(Wine Marketing For Those Who Refuse To Be Left Behind!)


"Technology made large populations possible; large populations now make technology indispensable." - Joseph Krutch


Capitalize on a unique wine marketing opportunity

  • Calldera provides personalized wine recommendations via smartphone apps and the web
  • The top 2 decision making criteria for retail store wine selection are “tasted before” and “recommended by someone” (

Consumer Wine Trends

Appeal to technology savvy consumers with digital marketing technology

  • Not only maintain but GROW your wine sales by reaching consumers on their terms.  Many would rather interact with an app than visit a store to talk to someone.  Don’t lose these customers to competitors, online purchases or substitute beverages
  • Born between 1982 and 1994, the technology savvy Millennial generation is now 1/3 of the populace and the largest generation in the US population
  • 67% of Millennials get wine information online and 43% of Millennials use wine, food, bar and restaurant apps (Wine Enthusiast Magazine).  These numbers represent a growing trend also to be followed by the subsequent "Y" and "Z" generations


Millenniel Marketing


Save valuable time and resources with low cost wine marketing technology 

  • Calldera is a low cost wine marketing opportunity whose value is designed to well exceed its price
  • No to minimal effort is required from you – there is the opportunity to be proactive only if/when you perceive benefitdigital-marketing-1792474__340.png

Leverage a better wine marketing solution to your advantage

  • Calldera provides consistent, objectively determined wine recommendations that match individual taste preferences
  • Rival apps rely on trial-and-error process of consumer wine selection
  • Rival apps disseminate inconsistent and unreliable user-provided content



Wine App

Market More Cost Effectively

Wine is a complex product that changes from year to year.  You have many competitors purporting to sell a similar product.

Traditional wine marketing is expensive and difficult

Traditional mass marketing is expensive.  Local and state alcohol laws sometimes limit when, where and how you can advertise. 

The plethora of wine producers and brands makes it difficult to garner attention for any individual wine.

The target customer is elusive

It is challenging to explain to consumers how a particular wine differs from competing wines. 

Worse still, you have no consistent and reliable way of identifying the consumers who will most appreciate (and pay for) a paticular wine.

Wine Marketing Ideas

You need a revolutionary, cost-effective marketing option for reaching your target customer.  Finally, that option exists!

Calldera can help you market more effectively to consumers.  Here’s how:

  • Calldera provides unambiguous, consistently derived information that allows consumers to easily make comparisons among various wines - i.e., "If you like this wine, you will like this other wine that has the same taste characteristics and a similar Calldera wine rating."
  • Calldera chemically analyzes every wine it recommends to objectively match the wine’s taste characteristics to individual consumer taste preferences.  The result is little known and/or lightly marketed wines are recommended to consumers as often as well-known wines supported by critics’ reviews and mass marketing
  • Calldera identifies your target customer – the consumer whose taste preferences match the taste characteristics of your wine – and then recommends (i.e., directly markets) your wine to that customer
  • The Calldera wine recommendation engine prioritizes wines with the same taste characteristics according to the producer purchased Calldera subscription level, giving recommended wines from Calldera producer subscribers precedence over recommended wines of similar taste appeal from non-subscriber producers
  • The Calldera app loyalty-based feature, "Taster Points”, provides additional marketing exposure for subscribing producers.  Consumers earn more Taster Points when they drink wines from subscribing producers

Digital technology offers a superior wine marketing solution

Built on modern Internet technology, Calldera offers a low-cost, superior new marketing solution for your business. 

Not only will you pay much less than you would pay for traditional mass marketing, each marketing dollar you spend will be more effective.

Calldera is revolutionizing the wine marketing business, finally bringing it into the digital age.  With it come cost savings and expanded consumer reach – benefits enjoyed by many other industries that have embraced digital marketing.

Contact Calldera today to subscribe or simply to learn more about the opportunity.


Seeking Additional Information


Give us a call today to learn more about the Calldera products and services available in your area.


Get Personalized Wine Recommendations

Click here to learn more about Calldera taste based wine recommendations

