Get the Calldera Wine App for Personalized Wine Recommendations

The Calldera wine app uses real science to make personalized wine recommendations just for you.
How It Works
- Get started with a fun, one-time "wine personality" quiz.
- Review personalized wine selections.
- Read wine descriptions comprised of simple, consistently used terms.
- Consider average price and scientifically determined wine rating to compare wines.
- Benefit from identification within the app of certain low cost, high quality “value wines.”
- Decide if, when and where to purchase recommended wines.
- Save a list of wines you have drunk.
- Enhance future recommendations by providing optional ratings on wines you have tried.
- Make and store tasting notes about wines you have enjoyed.
- Share wine recommendations with friends from within the app.
Discover New Wines
Calldera wine recommendations are matched to your taste preferences. Individual wines of various grape varieties, vintages and production regions can have the same taste characteristics. Calldera will expand your wine experience by identifying many tasty wines you will enjoy but otherwise may not have discovered on your own.
Find Value Wines
Value wines (i.e., low-priced, high quality wines) matching your taste preferences are designated as such in the Calldera wine app. Not every recommended wine is a value wine - only those with a Calldera rating of 4.3 or higher and an average price at least 10% below the average price for same rated wines with similar taste characteristics.
Benefit from Smart Technology
As you use the Calldera wine app, its underlying “learning” recommendation engine continually adjusts recommendations in accordance with your wine ratings and consumption history. The engine considers...
- The Calldera wine categories from which you select the most wines
- The fruit flavors you prefer
- The price you typically pay for wine
If your tastes have been misunderstood or your tastes change, the Calldera recommendation engine picks up on that, asks you for specific feedback and adjusts accordingly.
Enjoy Wine with Friends
Social networking features of the Calldera wine app allow you to share your wine experiences with others.
Use the App Hassle-Free
Use of the Calldera wine app only requires you provide an e-mail address and zip code. This is so we can provide personalized wine recommendations to you (uniquely identifying you by your e-mail address) and show you nearby wine sellers offering the recommended wines in or near the zip code you provide. There are no ads in the Calldera wine app.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.
Get Personalized Wine Recommendations
Click here to learn more about the Calldera wine app.