Acquire and Retain Customers With a Personalized Tasting Room Experience Powered By Calldera


Whether a regular occurrence at your winery or a special event in your store, sampling wines is fun and informative for the consumer and generally facilitates immediate wine sales for you. 

Sometimes, genuine, long-term customer relationships result.

Increase tasting room sales and profit by establishing a cost-effective personal connection

Customer loyalty, advocacy and the repeat purchases that ensue from genuine, long-term customer relationships are what every business wants. Though not easy to build those relationships, the underlying premise is simple.  A relationship is a personal connection.

So, how do you personally connect with customers to increase your sales and profit? 

  1. You cost-effectively get to know the customer by employing newly available digital personalization technology.
  2. You satisfy the customer with wines matched to his or her unique personal taste preferences.
  3. With satisfactory experiences, you build genuine, long-term customer relationships that result in greater sales and profit for you.


Personal Connection In Winery Tasting Room

There's one chance to make a first impression  

In many instances, a wine tasting is your first interaction with a prospective customer. 

This interaction is your only opportunity to make a good first impression.


Great First Impression In Winery Tasting Room

A typical wine tasting is akin to speed dating

On the other hand, consider a wine tasting from the consumer’s perspective.  The typical wine tasting is akin to speed dating. 

You may not like any of the wines you taste.  After the first sample, the flavors start to commingle in your mouth. 

You may purchase wine you think you like and then later experience buyer’s remorse. 

The experience is “hit or miss.”


Successful Tasting Rooms

Get to know your customer from the beginning

How do you as a business improve the odds of a “hit” that leads to a loyal customer making repeat purchases? 

You start by getting to know the customer.  In the first interaction, you determine his or her taste preferences. 

Then you offer wine matched to those preferences. 

This first interaction can be seamlessly and cost-effectively enabled with the Calldera technology.

Use low-cost Internet-based technology in your tasting room

The first step in partnering with Calldera to bring a personalized customer experience to your tasting space is for Calldera to chemically analyze and assign to Calldera wine categories the wines you wish to offer in your tasting space.  This service is reasonably priced on a per bottle basis.

With a Calldera “demo account” assigned to you and a demo setup in your tasting space, customers entering your tasting space can take the Calldera “wine personality” quiz through the demo account and receive an instant printout of their white and red wine taste profiles.


Calldera Winery Tasting Room Personalized Experience


The customer then can use this printout to identify wines matching their taste preferences.  If you do not have a printer in your tasting space, there is another option.  A copy of the taste profile is sent immediately to the customer's e-mail address, where it is often viewable on a customer's smartphone device.

Having a Calldera demo account and setup in your tasting space serves as a means for lead generation and follow up sales, as the customer provides his or her e-mail address as a condition of receiving a personalized wine taste profile.  Pricing for the demo account is determined on a per customer basis in accordance with the number of customers who use your demo account to complete the wine personality quiz.  This pricing is in line with market pricing for generic e-mail lists that do not come with the benefit of containing only qualified leads (i.e., people who you know like wine and who have visited your tasting space).

If you do not wish to establish a Calldera demo account and setup in your tasting space, you still can provide a personalized tasting space experience to some  customers.  Namely, current Calldera app users can access their wine taste profiles via the app.  And, customers entering your tasting space with a smartphone can download the Calldera app to their smartphone and complete the wine personality quiz via the app.  All Calldera app users can access their wine taste profiles via the app.  Assuming Calldera has chemically analyzed and assigned to Calldera wine categories the wines you are offering in your tasting space, Calldera app users will be able to identify offered wines matching their taste preferences.


Calldera Personalized Wine Profile


However you choose to faciliate a Calldera personalized wine taste profiling experience, it is informative and enjoyable for the consumer.  It’s interesting and fun to learn something about oneself!

And, it’s an easy way for you to set the stage for meaningful customer relationships that will increase sales and aid customer retention.

Decrease tasting room labor and training costs

Use of the Calldera consumer taste profiling system alleviates or reduces the need for sommelier-level tasting room staff.  This translates to lower labor cost and a larger candidate pool from which to staff your tasting room.  And, these advantages come with the added benefits of a consistent and enjoyable customer experience that will result in greater immediate sales and opportunity for increased future sales.

Get started today

Tastings powered by Calldera either can be part of a permanent tasting room experience or utilized in individual tasting events hosted at your location. 

Contact Calldera today to establish an account or simply to learn more about the opportunity.
