Calldera Wine App Consumer Reports Can Help You Know What Wines Customers Want

Calldera wine consumer reports identify how often specific recommended wines are viewed in the Calldera wine app, the average retail price for the wines and what ratings consumers give the wines.  The number of distinct consumers viewing each wine (i.e., unique viewers) is also provided.  For some reports, views and unique viewers are delineated by U.S. state.

These reports provide valuable information to help you ascertain what wines consumers want and how various wines compare with one another under the lens of actual consumer taste preferences. 

If you are a wine seller, this can help you decide which wines to stock. 

If you are a wine producer, you can see in what geographical areas each of your wines holds the most appeal.  This information can be used to better direct your distribution and marketing efforts.

If you are a wine distributor or a parent company of individual wine retail shops, you can see which wines have the most consumer appeal by retail shop.  

As a business listed with the Calldera service, the following reports may be purchased for an additional subscription fee:

Report Availability Frequency
Wine Impression by Market Area Report All customers Daily
Wine Impression by Market Area Report All customers Monthly
Wine Impression Report All customers Daily
Wine Impression Report All customers Monthly
Producer Report Wine producers only Daily
Producer Report Wine producers only Monthly
Merchant Report Merchants only Daily
Merchant Report Merchants only Monthly
Discount Offers Report All customers Daily
Discount Offers Report All customers Monthly
Distributor Report Distributors only Daily
Distributor Report Distributors only Monthly


Click on the links below to download and view example reports.

Example Daily Wine Impression Report

Example Daily Wine Impression by Market Area Report

Example Daily Producer Report

Example Daily Merchant Report

Example Daily Discount Offers Report

Example Daily Distributor Report

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Contact Calldera today to subscribe or simply to learn more about the opportunity.
