With Personalized Wine Recommendations, Drink What YOU Like

People have consumed wine for over 6,000 years.  Yet today, wine selection and purchasing remains daunting to many.  This is evidenced by a common reliance on wine clubs, wine critics, shopkeepers, other uninformed consumers or an enticing wine bottle label as the basis for selecting wine.  Granted, such reliance would be fine if it consistently produced satisfactory results.  But that’s not the case.

Why taste-based personalized wine recommendations?

Simply put, taste-based personalized wine recommendations will increase your enjoyment of wine.  Here's why...

  • Wine is a complex product, inherently limiting knowledge otherwise helpful to selecting a wine.
  • Almost all available information about wine is subjective, reflecting someone else's preferences.
  • Wine labels, though they can be beautiful, tell you nothing about how a wine will taste.

Your wine club may not be worth it

Consider wine clubs.  In a worst-case scenario, this is an approach that enables a business to sell large volumes of inexpensive, mediocre wine at consistently marked up prices.  On a monthly basis or so for a set price, certain wine clubs provide various, often randomly selected wines you’ve never heard of and cannot comparison shop elsewhere.  You dutifully pay, assuming you have received fair value, but have you?  How many wines are you receiving that you do not enjoy?  And if you really do like a particular wine, can you acquire it again?  

Wine critics and shopkeepers provide subjective information

What about wine critics and shopkeepers?  Most are well-meaning.  However, they only know what they like – not what you like.  If you are lucky enough to identify a wine critic or shopkeeper who completely shares your tastes, this can work out nicely for you…but that’s a rare situation reliant on happenstance.  And what if your tastes change (a not uncommon occurrence)?

User-generated content is unreliable

Friend recommendations?  Actually, that’s not a bad option…if your friend completely shares your tastes.  In practice, this is often a hit-and-miss approach.  Even less reliable are recommendations and information from uninformed strangers.  This information often comes in the form of user-supplied content found in apps and on websites disingenuously purporting to provide expert advice.

Never judge a book by its cover

How many times have you resorted to selecting a bottle of wine because you like the label?  This is a common practice.  In the absence of better information, it also is understandable.  However, you were lucky if you enjoyed the wine.

Demand objective information

Knowledge is power.  As evidenced in multiple industries and fields of study, objective information derived from a consistently-applied, scientifically-based approach produces the best, most reliable basis for decision-making and satisfactory outcomes.  This is the underlying premise of the Calldera personalized wine recommendations system. 

Every wine recommended by Calldera has been chemically analyzed by Calldera to objectively determine the wine’s taste characteristics.  Taste characteristics of the analyzed wines are then matched to your individual taste preferences to make personalized wine recommendations.

Make technology work for you

The “learning” recommendation engine at the heart of the Calldera system not only incorporates and responds to your real-time feedback in the form of wines selected for consumption and ratings you provide, but also considers the average price of your previous wine selections and proximity of local wine retailers. 

Because the Calldera wine app keeps track of previously consumed wines, along with your ratings and notes as well as retailer availability, it is easy to repurchase previously enjoyed wines. 

The overall result of the Calldera system is consistent, reliable personalized wine recommendations with the convenience and cost-saving advantage of local purchasing.  This is a new and unique approach that will simplify and enhance your life. 

Join the wine selection revolution with other smart consumers just like you!




Get Personalized Wine Recommendations

Click here to learn more about the Calldera wine app
