Calldera wine category:  c (fruity, light-bodied, not tannic, not acidic, not oaked)

Origin:  Sicily, Italy

Calldera rating:  4.5 (on a 1 – 5 point scale)

Calldera tasting note:  “Balanced, garnet red colored wine with an aroma of black cherry and red fruit on the palate.  Medium finish.  Winery practices sustainable farming per EMAS regulations.  Try something different - you will like this wine.”

% alcohol:  13.5%

Average price:  $9.00


The 2012 Stemmari Nero d’Avola is a fruity, light-bodied wine that is neither acidic nor tannic.  The predominant fruit flavor is black cherry.  Because the wine is low in both acids and tannins, it should be drunk now.

Made from the native Sicilian Nero d’Avola grape, the 2012 Stemmari Nero d’Avola is off the beaten path for many people.  That’s because almost all wines made from the Nero d’Avola grape are produced only in Sicily and therefore represent a small percentage of worldwide wine production.  

Most wines made from the Nero d’Avola grape do not end up in the Calldera “c” wine category.  In fact, the 2012 Stemmari Nero d’Avola wine is atypical for the Nero d’Avola grape variety.  Most wines produced from the Nero d’Avola grape are full-bodied with noticeable acidity and tannins.  This results in most Nero d’Avola wines falling into either the “o” or “s” Calldera wine category.

Presumably because the 2012 Stemmari Nero d’Avola does not fit the most common taste profile of wines produced from the Nero d’Avola grape, the wine is selling at a lower price than is typical for a quality Nero d’Avola wine.  Said another way, a consumer expecting the 2012 Stemmari Nero d’Avola to have taste characteristics similar to other Nero d’Avola wines would likely give this wine a poor rating.

That’s good news for you if your taste profile includes Calldera “c” category wines.  It’s also good news for certain food pairings, irrespective of your sipping wine preferences.

At an average price of $9.00 per bottle, this wine is a great value for those whose taste profile includes wines in the Calldera “c” wine category.  It is also a great choice if you’re looking for a red wine to pair with a light, mildly seasoned fish, poultry or vegetarian dish.


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