Calldera wine category:  g (dry, fruity, medium-to-full bodied, not acidic, not oaked)

Origin:  Stellenbosch, South Africa

Calldera rating:  4.2 (on a 1 – 5 point scale)

Calldera tasting note:  “Medium-bodied, light yellow colored wine with an aroma of citrus and grass.  Citrus on the palate.  Lingering finish.  Enjoy a glass with an easy read novel.”

% alcohol:  14%

Average price:  $8.00

The 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc is a dry, fruit-forward, medium-bodied white wine.  The predominant fruit flavor is lemony citrus.  The wine is ready to drink now and should be cellared for no more than two years.

Though somewhat high in alcohol for a Sauvignon Blanc, the 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc does not drink like a heavy white wine.  Rather, the wine is a refreshing drink substantial enough to hold up to a variety of food pairings.  This is a pleasing and fairly rare combination.

Part of what makes the wine appealing is a grassy aroma that reminds one of a sunny day full of fresh scents and all manner of greenery.  Although citrusy in flavor, 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc is low in acid, so it won’t make your mouth pucker.

Because the wine is low in acid and unoaked, the 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc is a great sipping wine for many people.  If you’re having friends over and unsure of the type of wine they enjoy, this wine is a safe bet.

The 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc is quite versatile when it comes to food pairings.  As it is a white wine, it pairs well with most seafood and vegetarian dishes.  However, due to its medium body, the wine also pairs nicely with poultry dishes.

Cheese pairings for the 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc are numerous.  Most mildly-flavored, medium textured cheeses, such as cheddar, baby swiss and gouda, make for a tasty combination.  And if you like goat cheese, the two are a really special pairing.

With a Calldera rating of 4.2 and an average price of $8.00 per bottle, the 2017 Neethlingshof Estate Sauvignon Blanc is a great value.  It drinks like a much more expensive wine.


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