Calldera wine category:  k (dry, fruity, medium-to-full bodied, not tannic, not acidic, oaked)

Origin:  Sonoma County, California, USA

Calldera rating:  4.6 (on a 1 – 5 point scale)

Calldera tasting note:  “Mild, light cherry colored wine with an aroma of cherry and cedar.  Red fruit on the palate.  Medium finish.  Drink on a random Tuesday!”

% alcohol:  14.2%

Average price:  $20.00

Amici Cellars 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is a dry, fruit-forward wine of mild acidity and virtually non-existent tannins.  The predominant fruit flavor is cherry.  The 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is ready to drink now and should be cellared for no more than two years.

The 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is oaked, but this characteristic is primarily only discernible in its aroma.  Oak merely adds a richness or roundness to the wine’s impact on the palette, making the wine quite quaffable.

Because the wine is low in both acids and tannins and oak is not a dominant taste in the wine, the 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is a great sipping wine for many people.  However, it also is a great food pairing wine for a variety of medium textured dishes.

Uncharacteristic for Pinot Noir, the 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is full-bodied.  Although its color is light, its mouthfeel is notable.  This in combination with its somewhat contrasting medium length finish makes it an appropriate sipping wine for a warm day and a suitable pairing for fish, fowl, pork and many vegetarian dishes.

Also uncharacteristic for Pinot Noir, the 2016 Olema Pinot Noir’s predominant fruit flavor is cherry (most often Pinot Noirs exhibit a strawberry flavor).  For those who prefer a cherry flavor over a strawberry flavor and have to this point eschewed Pinot Noirs, this may be the wine for you!

The 2016 Olema Pinot Noir pairs well with medium textured cheeses, such as mild cheddar, baby swiss, gouda and Petite Basque.  The wine is also a great pairing for grilled firm fish (such as salmon and swordfish) and fowl, roast pork and starchy or legume-based vegetarian dishes.

At an average price of $20.00 per bottle, the 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is a good value for those whose taste profile includes wines in the Calldera “k” wine category.   Furthermore, its designation as a “k” category wine means it will appeal as a sipping wine to many of your friends (even those who do not prefer oak since this is not a dominant taste in the wine).   In addition, the 2016 Olema Pinot Noir is a great red wine choice for pairing with medium textured cheeses, meats and vegetarian dishes.


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